Cryptographic Hash

A cryptographic hash function is a deterministic procedure that takes an arbitrary block of data and returns a fixed-size bit string, the (cryptographic) hash value. There are two main levels of security that we will consider here:

  • target collision resistance: meaning that given x it is hard to find y such that H(y)=H(x).
  • collision resistance: meaning that it is hard to find any x and y such that H(x)=H(y).


We do not include preimage resistance since cryptographically this is just a one-way function.

The CryptographicHash abstract class

The user may request to pass partial data to the hash and only after some iterations to obtain the hash of all the data. This is done by calling the function update(). After the user is done updating the data it can call the hashFinal() to obtain the hash output.

void update(const vector<byte>& in, int inOffset, int inLen)

Adds the vector to the existing msg to hash.

  • in – input vector
  • inOffset – the offset within the vector
  • inLen – the length. The number of bytes to take after the offset
void hashFinal(vector<byte>& out, int outOffset)

Completes the hash computation.

  • out – the output in vector
  • outOffset – the offset which to put the result bytes from


Below is an example of using Cryptographic hash:

//create an input array in and an output array out

//create  an OpenSSL sha224 function.
CryptographicHash* hash = new OpenSSLSHA224();

//call the update function in the Hash interface.
hash->update(in, 0, in.length);

//get the result of hashing the updated input.
hash->hashFinal(out, 0);

Supported Hash Types

In this section we present the hash functions provided by libscapi.

The OpenSSL implementation:

Class Name Class Location
OpenSSLSHA1 libscapi/include/primitives/hashOpenSSL.hpp
OpenSSLSHA224 libscapi/include/primitives/hashOpenSSL.hpp
OpenSSLSHA256 libscapi/include/primitives/hashOpenSSL.hpp
OpenSSLSHA384 libscapi/include/primitives/hashOpenSSL.hpp
OpenSSLSHA512 libscapi/include/primitives/hashOpenSSL.hpp

The Blake2 implementation:

Class Name Class Location
Blake2SHA1 libscapi/include/primitives/hashBlake2.hpp
Blake2SHA224 libscapi/include/primitives/hashBlake2.hpp
Blake2SHA256 libscapi/include/primitives/hashBlake2.hpp
Blake2SHA384 libscapi/include/primitives/hashBlake2.hpp
Blake2SHA512 libscapi/include/primitives/hashBlake2.hpp