Trapdoor Permutation

A trapdoor permutation is a bijection (1-1 and onto function) that is easy to compute for everyone, yet is hard to invert unless given special additional information, called the “trapdoor”. The public key is essentially the function description and the private key is the trapdoor.

The TPElement abstract class

The TPElement class represents a trapdoor permutation element.

biginteger TPElement::getElement()

Returns the trapdoor element value as bigInteger.

Returns:the value of the element

The TrapdoorPermutation abstract class

This class is the general class of trapdoor permutation.

Core Functionality

shared_ptr<TPElement> TrapdoorPermutation::compute(TPElement* tpEl)

Computes the operation of this trapdoor permutation on the given TPElement.

Parameters tpEl:
 the input for the computation
Returns:the result TPElement from the computation
shared_ptr<TPElement> TrapdoorPermutation::invert(TPElement* tpEl)

Inverts the operation of this trapdoor permutation on the given TPElement.

Parameters tpEl:
 the input to invert
Returns:the result TPElement from the invert operation
byte TrapdoorPermutation::hardCorePredicate(TPElement* tpEl)

Computes the hard core predicate of the given tpElement.

A hard-core predicate of a one-way function f is a predicate b (i.e., a function whose output is a single bit) which is easy to compute given x but is hard to compute given f(x). In formal terms, there is no probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that computes b(x) from f(x) with probability significantly greater than one half over random choice of x.

Parameters tpEl:
 the input to the hard core predicate
Returns:(byte) the hard core predicate.
vector<byte> TrapdoorPermutation::hardCoreFunction(TPElement* tpEl)

Computes the hard core function of the given tpElement.

A hard-core function of a one-way function f is a function g which is easy to compute given x but is hard to compute given f(x). In formal terms, there is no probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that computes g(x) from f(x) with probability significantly greater than one half over random choice of x.

Parameters tpEl:
 the input to the hard core function
Returns:byte[] the result of the hard core function

Generating TPElements

shared_ptr<TPElement> TrapdoorPermutation::generateRandomTPElement()

creates a random TPElement that is valid for this trapdoor permutation

Returns:the created random element
shared_ptr<TPElement> TrapdoorPermutation::generateUncheckedTPElement(const biginteger& x)

Creates a TPElement from a specific value x. This function does not guarantee that the the returned TPElement object is valid. It is the caller’s responsibility to pass a legal x value.

Returns:Set the x value and return the created random element

Checking Element Validity

TPElValidity TrapdoorPermutation::isElement(TPElement* tpEl)

Checks if the given element is valid for this trapdoor permutation

Parameters tpEl:
 the element to check
Returns:(TPElValidity) enum number that indicate the validation of the element
Throws:IllegalArgumentException if the given element is invalid for this permutation

Encryption Keys Functionality

void setKey(const shared_ptr<PublicKey>& publicKey, const shared_ptr<PrivateKey>& privateKey)

Sets this trapdoor permutation with public key and private key.

  • publicKey – the public key
  • privateKey – the private key that without it the permutation cannot be inverted efficiently. If the private key is not given, the object can compute but canot invert.
bool isKeySet()

Checks if this trapdoor permutation object has been previously initialized. To initialize the object the setKey() function has to be called with corresponding parameters after construction.

return:true if the object was initialized, false otherwise.
shared_ptr<PublicKey> getPubKey()
Returns:returns the public key


We demonstrate a basic usage scenario with a sender party that wish to hide a secret using the trapdoor permutation, and a receiver who is not able to invert the permutation on the secret.

Here is the code of the sender:

//Create public key, private key and secret

//instantiate the rsa permutation using the openssl library:
OpenSSLRSAPermutation trapdoorPermutation;
//set the keys for this trapdoor permutation
trapdoorPermutation.setKey(publicKey, privateKey);

// represent the secret (originally was of BigInteger type) using TPElement
TPElement secretElement = trapdoorPermutation.generateTPElement(secret);
//hide the secret using the trapdoor permutation
TPElement maskedSecret = trapdoorPermutation.compute(secretElement);

// this line will succeed, because the private key is known to the sender
TPElement invertedElement = trapdoorPermutation.invert(maskedSecret);

// send the public key and the secret to the other side

Here is the code of the receiver:

// receive public key and secretMsg

//instantiate the rsa permutation using the openssl library:
OpenSSLRSAPermutation trapdoorPermutation;
//set the keys for this trapdoor permutation

// reconstruct a TPElement from a biginteger
TPElement maskedSecret = trapdoorPermutation.generateTPElement(secretMsg);

// this line will fail, because the private key is not known to the receiver
TPElement secretElement = trapdoorPermutation.invert(maskedSecret);

Supported Trapdoor Permutations

In this section we present the trapddor permutations provided by libscapi.

OpenSSL implementation of RSA trapdoor permutation:

Key Class Location
OpenSSLRSAPermutation libscapi/include/primitives/TrapdoorPermutationOpenSSL.hpp